Stole the idea for this Q from F3 Pigpen and adapted it slightly for our AO and pax—but not much because we have some seriously hardcore ladies willing to put in the hard work!

We got a nice surprise having Wile E. roll up this morning! We grabbed our waters and began making our way to the old library lot doing an active warm up along the way.


At the library lot we partnered up for an elevens. One partner ran one way around the loop, the other ran the other way. When you meet up do 1 plank Jack. When you meet again do 10 burpees. And so on and so forth up and down the counts.  Shew, that was sneaky hard!

Next I had planned to mosey the pax to a new location to do four corners, but the park I had in mind was a bit too far for the amount of time we had left. We paused at various corners on our attempted journey to do narrow squats, sumo squats and lunges walks.

We circled back to the art center parking lot to do our four corners. 10 push ups, bear crawl; 20 Carolina dry docks, side shuffle; 30 dips, crawl bear; 40 hallelujahs, side shuffle.

We had time to mosey back to the front benches at the library for some elevated abs work. Tabletop kneels, plank side steps, table top toe taps, plank Spider-Mans.

This brought us to the end of our time. We circled up for name-a-rama.

Thank you for joining me!

Mary Lou