- Beatdown: Book Drop
- Beatdown Date: 02/21/2023
- QiC: Mary Lou
- Number of Pax: 9
- Pax Names: Deuce, Fixer Upper, Forrest, Mary Lou, Native, Sassy, Super Why, Zia, Zeppelin
- Number of FNGs:
After meeting at a new location near the Town Hall parking deck we gathered on the top level for a different style workout than normal. I gave the disclaimer and passed out mini bands to anyone who didn’t bring any and we got started.
Warm up
10 jumping jacks
5 burpees with an inch worm
5 kneeling band pull apart a
5 HC side shuffle with band
Tabata Legs with bands (8 rounds 20/10)
- Step back, step side (switch sides each round)
- Lateral hops
- Monster walks
- Penguins
Partner arms with stairs. We partnered up. While one partner ran down and up 3 flights of stairs the other partner does AMR(eps)AP of the following:
- Band pull apart and lifts
- Lat pull downs
- Hinge rows (10 each side)
- Palm up quick pulls
- Bicep curls
Lastly we did a 4 minute core finisher. Each exercise performed for 1 minute each.
- Overhead band hold with heel taps
- Glute bridge w/adductors
- Band oblique lifts
- Clam on crack
And that took us up to the last second. A big thank you to everyone for working out in a different way with me! Name-a-Rama and we were done!
Mary Lou