Warm-Up: Travel around the small pickle (jog/high knees/but kickers/jog); 5 Good Mornings; 5 Toy Soldiers; Arm Circles (forward and back); shake the arms out

The Thang: two rounds: 1st Round: 90 sec on / 15 sec off  –  2nd Round: 60 sec on / 15 sec off

  1. Squat w/ Overhead press / reach (right)
  2. Squat w/ Overhead press / reach (left)

HIGH KNEES – 45 sec on / 15 sec rest

  1. Cross resistant band in front of body– upright row with rotation (Right)
  2. Cross resistant band in front of body – upright row with rotation (left)

SKATERS – 45 sec on / 15 sec rest

  1. Plank roll to side plank while pulling resistance band (right)
  2. Plank roll to side plank while pulling resistance band (left)

BUTT KICKERS – 45 sec on / 15 sec rest

  1. Wrap band around feet – sitting position – roll partially down and hold – then do wide row
  2. Band around feet still, hold handles, roll down slowly, roll back up, pull arms/band overhead, then repeat

PLANK JACKS – 45 sec on / 15 sec rest

  1. Put handles around arch of feet – v-sit – do bicycle like motion, staying in v-sit – keep band pulled in – will feel in your bicep
  2. Put handles around arch of feet – scissor kicks while still holding onto the bands (biceps tight)

JUMPING JACKS – 45 sec on / 15 sec rest


Name – o – rama