Need loop band, mat, and water


Warm up – high knees, butt kickers, hip openers and closers, squat reach (alt sides), big/little arm circles/reverse, phelps, 20 jumping jacks

Walk the Pickle

45 secs work; 15 secs rest for the following:


  1. Squats – band above the knees
  2. Squats, 3 pulses – band above knees
  3. Side Crab Walk, 2 steps L/R – band around ankles
  4. Crab Walk 2 steps forward/back – band around ankle
  5. Standing glute kickback L – band around ankles
  6. Standing glute kickback R – band around ankles
  7. Alternating leg lifts prone position – band around knees or ankles
  8. Fire hydrant L – band around knees
  9. Fire hydrant R – band around knees

20 Jumping jacks then walk the pickle


  1. Bicep curl L w/ band
  2. Bicep curl R w/ band
  3. Tricep ext L w/ band
  4. Tricep ext R w/ band
  5. Lat pulldown
  6. Chest pull
  7. Bow and arrow L w/ band – BeeBoop gave us a quick archery lesson so we had proper form 🙂 Thank you!
  8. Bow and arrow R w/ band

20 Jumping jacks then walk the pickle


  1. Inch worm out to plank jack and back up
  2. Hold plank
  3. Hip dips
  4. BGSUs
  5. Reverse crunch
  6. Leg lifts
  7. Windshield wipers
  8. Ankle biters

Cool down and stretch

COT – Joy is the most Magnetic Force in the Universe! ~ Danielle LaPorte
