
Warm Up

  • 10 Good Mornings
  • Inchworm out to down dog
  • Stretch your feet, paddle them a few times
  • Kick R leg up and push forward to runners pose R, twist lifting R hand, hold
  • Repeat on L
  • Inchworm up
  • Hip openers
  • Phelps

Slow Mosey to the Cary Arts Center w/ your Pumpkin

The Thang:


Pax stays together and completes workout as follows:

Upper Body & Core

7 Push Ups (do both sides) one hand on Pumpkin

15 Bicep Curls

15 Pumpkin Chops each side

20 Pumpkin Twists (American hammers)

10 Pumpkin Plank Reach (HC) – move your pumpkin with stem to the center of the mat switch hands move back

10 Pumpkin Weighted Sit -Ups

10 ROWS- Bent Over

*1 Lap Carrying Pumpkin*

Lower Body & Cardio

I min Wall Sit Pumpkin on lap

10 Bridge Roll out OR Bridge

20 Quick Feet -toe tap pumpkin

15 Elevated Bridges Feet on Pumpkin

15 Squat & Reach holding pumpkin

20 Pumpkin” Deadlifts

25 Pumpkin Jacks (hold pumpkin overhead)

*1 Lap Carrying Pumpkin*

Repeated 2x through

Mosey back to Old Library Site with our stuff


COT: “Everyone has inside of her a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be, how much you can love, what you can accomplish, and what your potential is.” – Anne Frank