- Beatdown: Double D
- Beatdown Date: 01/12/2024
- QiC: TagALong
- Number of Pax: 3
- Pax Names: Fullback (respect), Gerber (respect), Tag-A-Long
- Number of FNGs:
- none
We had a small but mighty trio this morning. Started with a disclaimer and a 5-minute warmup. I explained the workout, and we got to work.
Timed 1 Minute Run (on the greenway, through the tunnel) and stopped to do specific exercises. We did this for 5 minutes. The exercises were:
- 15 squats
- 25 hallelujahs
- 20 imperial walkers
- 20 raggedy anns
- held chair pose on a bridge
Rinsed and repeated back to the bottom of the stairs. Then we did 11 on the stairs. 1 skater on the bottom and 10 jumping jacks on the top, then 2 skaters and 9 jj, 3 skaters and 8 jj; continued until we had 10 skaters and 1 jj. Phew! There were lots of wooing. Then we mosied to our cars for abs.
Abs: 1 minute of each exercise:
- Big Girl Situps
- LBCs
- Ankle biters
- Bridges
Because we had one more minute we ended with backward walking. Finished up with a little stretching. Thanks for joining me.