4 Pax worked out on the basketball court today at Double D.  The workout was 3 rounds of 9 exercises.  Weights were uses on half the exercises.

  • Round 1 – 45 secs work/ 15 sec rest
  • Round 2 – 30 secs work / 15 sec rest
  • Round 3 – 20 secs work / 10 sec rest
  1. Right Arm Snatch
  2. Left Arm Snatch
  3. Alternating Step-ups on bench
  4. Push-ups
  5. Sumo Squat with alternating Shoulder press ( round 1).  Bicep curls ( round 2/3)
  6. Squat Jack
  7. Glute Bridge with Skull Crushers
  8. Lat Pullover with Single leg lower
  9. Basketball court run .  Run to half court , touch line, back to start, then run to opposite end, touch line, return.  Repeat

30 work / 5 rest 2x – abs

  1. American Hammer
  2. Plank – dumbell drag

We ended with  a few stretches and Name-0-rama.    It was great to see Hoosier and Altru again!