Welcome FNG Doodle!!

Also had 2.0s Pearls and Olive Oil

Warm up with classic 80s aerobic moves to warm our bodies

The Kraken 20 minute timed
8 stations set up in a wide circle, at each station you have 1 or 2 exercises and a set number of reps. Once you finish your reps you run the full perimeter of the circle (Clockwise) until you reach the next station to your left of where you started. You repeat this until you complete the full circle. You don’t have to stay together – everyone is doing the reps at their own pace and pushing as hard as they want. 8 stations / 8 reps

Stations: Burpees, Merkins, Sumo Squats, Plyo Lunges (HC), Sparky Crabs, Single lead RDL (HC), Star Jumps, Side plank taps (HC)

The 80s Thang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mg0yIbYorg
Step back (alt) add arms

Skaters with big arms

CPR with wide knees then big arm pulls

Leg cross overs with push up arms
Wide step touch with static arms, then add one arm
Switch to tap behind and reach for the opposite toe, then do front

Hopping rows

Boxing mix ups

Mini Tramp

Buns of Steel – leg lifts
Bend bottom knee and do standard leg lifts 25

Then bend body into body in L position
Leg lifts 15
Knee up, kick toe 8
Knee in and press out 15

Feel the burn!!