- Beatdown: Moneypenny
- Beatdown Date: 05/15/2021
- QiC: Fullback
- Number of Pax: 7
- Pax Names: Bon Voyage, Nitrous, PanAm, Pandora, Western, Zeppelin
- Number of FNGs:
What a perfect morning for a Moneypenny working around Bond Park . As usual , I started off with the Disclaimer. I am not a professional, modify as you need , workout at your own risk!
Good Mornings, Open/close gates, JJ, High Knees, butt kickers, arm circles, Toy Soldiers , Imperial walkers and a series of other stretches to get us limber and read to go
The thang:
Lightpost run – alternate between 5 burpees and 5 pushups at every light until we got to the gravel trail.
Run the trail and when we arrived at the greenway, 50 walking lunges and then jog to the stairs. Here is were we saw the birds….
7s on the stairs – Dorothys at bottom and squat jumps on top ..
50 lunge walks back on the greenway – say hi to the birds on the fence but don’t look them in the eye!- and then jog to the open field.
4 corners:
- Tricep dips (5,10,15,20)
- Monkey humpers ( 10,20,30,40)
- Mountain Climbers ( 10,20,30, 40 HC)
- Side shuffle around corners switching lead every corner ( 2x)
- Bear crawl – at corner 5 pushups
Jog to grass hill and one last bear crawl to the top! Jog to parking lot and grab mat.
Back work (all on stomach)- 45 on / 15 off
- Swimmers
- Opposite arm/leg
- Superwomen
- only arms – lift arms straight, cactus arms, arms straight again, then down
- HOLD – arms and legs up
5 min Plank series – change position every 30 secs
- elbow plank
- right elbow side plank
- brooke burkes
- left elbow side plank
- Straight arm plank
- up-up-down-down
- tap foot right/left
- plank jacks
- return to elbow plank – knee taps to ground
- lift left leg/right legs
Ended with a 5 minutes stretch series while we did Name-o-rama
- we are collecting gift cards for Safe Families. See Zeppelin
- Nightcrawler will be DayCrawler(8-9am) on Memorial Day. If you will be in town, meet Bon Voyage at the back shelter in Apex Community Park
- and lastly – PanAm is pregnant! Gender reveal is this weekend! Congrats to her and Freydaddy!