- Beatdown: Peak of the Week (POW)
- Beatdown Date: 07/17/2024
- QiC: Fullback
- Number of Pax: 7
- Pax Names: Expo, Major, Maple (respect), Miller (respect), Nitrous, Tuck
- Number of FNGs:
Last Wednesday I put together a workout that within the first 10 minutes I knew was going to be way too long. So I immediately changed the order of things in my head and made it a 2 part workout. My goal here was for everyone to lift heavy. If you pick a weight and you can easily do 12 reps it is too light. However, if you can’t get at least 6 reps in then its too heavy. Somewhere in the middle is where you want to be. I brought all my heavy weights so we could all reach this goal. With lower body going to failure is harder due to our availability of heavy weights, so I slowed down each of the exercises. I added ample rest time between sets. As always, we started with the disclaimer and a variety of stretches and moves to warmup the body.
Part 1:
- Deadlifts x3
- Hip thrusters x3 – Back supported on Picnic table
- 1 Minute BGSU with stretch
- Chest Press x3
- Chest Fly x3
- 1 Minute Leg Lowers to Plow
- Sumo Squats x3
- Lateral Squats x3 HC
- 1 Minute Butterfly stretch to roll situp
- Row – using picnic table to support body as you row. Gives ability to lift heavier without compromising form. Alternate between up to 12 on right to up to 12 on left. x3
- No time for core…. now on to finisher
Finisher – Alternate between 2 exercises. Each one for 40 sec, then 30 secs, then 20 secs.. Only rest is to adjust timer!!
- Pushup Burpee
- Plank
Part 2: This is what we did today! Each of these exercises were 12 on L then 12 on right. x3 With rest in between each 12! I should say up to 12. Because especially with the upper body exercises it was hard to get to 8.. GOAL!
- Bulgarian Split squats
- Seated Concentrated Bicep Curl
- 1 Minute Plank
Not the finisher – 40/30/20 secs
- Squat /Squat Jump
- Wall sit
- Lunges
- Tricep Kick backs – using picnic table to support body
- No time for core
the real finisher – 40/30/20 sec
- Broad jump to bear crawl backwards
- Hold Bear
Thanks for joining me ladies. From what I have read, lifting heavy with low reps is what gets you better results. What results am I looking for you may ask ….. As I get older, I want to know that If fall I can get up . No – ‘I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” I want to be able to sit on the floor and get up without assistance. Open that jar ladies! Lift that bag of dog food. You get the idea. Being stronger for me doesn’t mean getting all bulked up.. It just means that my body can do what I need it to do !! So let’s get Stronger Together! Mic Drop!