Started with disclaimer, then warm up –

6 good mornings, 9 toy soldiers (each side), 22 jumping jacks, 6 inchworms, 9 hip openers (each side), 22 arm circles

Frito explained the workout (based on today’s date – 6/9/22!) – Do each set 3 times, then run the pickle and return for a 37 second plank hold (6+9+22=37).  We did a different plank variation after each round (high plank, low plank, side plank)

The sets were:

  1. 6 star jumps, 9 plank around the world, 22 skaters (easy count)
  2. 6 burpees, 9 squat + side leg lift (each side), 22 X-jumps
  3. 6 sparky crabs (hard count), 9 backwards lunge + front kick (each side), 22 Heismans
  4. 6 boy bands (1 “boy band” = 2 criss cross jumps + 2 jumping jacks), 9 side lunges (each side), 22 tricep dips

We then did 2 rounds of glutes/abs, and did each set below 2 times:

  1. 6 side plank elbow to knee (each side), 9 fire hydrant + donkey kick (each side), 22 glute bridges
  2. 6 ab circles, 9 full sit ups, 22 ankle biters (easy count)

Frito shared a COT – “Note to self: When things feel overwhelming, remember: one thought at a time, one task at a time, one day at a time.”

There was lots of boy band chat in today’s workout… I feel like “boy bands” may need to be incorporated in all my future Qs – you’re all very welcome!

Name-o-rama & picture