Gave disclaimer

Warm up- GM, arm circles 10 forward & back, toy soldiers 10, hang down, quad stretch, high knees, butt kickers

Run around the ½ track.

Walkman set up signs around the park-stations 1 through 8.  Split the group in 2.  First group started at spot 1 and group 2 started at spot 6.  Go to the spot complete the #1 round exercise then run to the next spot complete round #1 and continue until you do all 8 spots.  Then run 1/2 the track.  Go back and start on round 2 exercises.  We were able to complete 3 rounds of all 8 spots and ran the track 3 times.

spot #1

Round 1: 10 burpees

Round 2:  20 ½ burpees

spot #2

Round 1: 25 Push ups

Round 2: 25 Carolina dry docks

spot #3

Round 1: 30 jump lunges

Round 2: 30 star jumps

spot #4

Round 1: 30 monkey humpers

Round 2: 30 squats

spot #5

Round 1: 30 Russian twists

Round 2: 30 LBCs

spot #6

Round 1: 30 step ups

Round 2: 30 shoulder taps

spot #7

Round 1: 30 mountain climbers

Round 2: 30 plank rotations

spot #8

Round 1: 30 peter parkers

Round 2: 30 curtsy lunges

**It was really humid it wasn’t the workout that was hard 🙂 **

Name o Rama