The Thang: Birthday Time Bombs, number 53! ( a recycled and slightly modified workout I think from Tiny Boots)


1 minute squat hold

53 second squats

43 seconds blast off push ups

33 second jump squats

43 second blast off push ups

53 seconds squats

1 minute squat hold

Run to far end of parking lot for next round


1 minute jumping jacks

53 seconds plank jacks

43 seconds side to side  jumps 

33 seconds burpees

43 seconds side to side jumps 

53 seconds plank jacks

1 minute jumping jacks

Stop for a sip of water; grab weights for next Birthday Time Bomb

ARMS (weights)

1 minute over head press

53 seconds bicep curls

43 tricep dips

33 seconds front raise

43 tricep dips

53 seconds bicep curls

1 minute overhead press


1 minute LBC’s

53 reverse Plank

43 Ankle Biters

33 Swimmers

43 Ankle Biters

53 Plank

Extra credit 1 minute Star Crunch (arms and leg out to side on ground while on back then crunch self up into a ball), 30 sec each side plank R /L

COT:”There was a time after my diagnosis that I thought I wasn’t going to get old.  I was scared and angry. I felt robbed. I wanted those birthdays and I wanted to get old, grey hairs, wrinkles and dwindling super. I want it all. I still don’t want to grow up, but I’m happy to get old.”

So you know, when this birthday rolls around, I will embrace it. When my loved ones have a birthday I will celebrate it. Because life is precious and so are they. Every day really is a gift.”

“You have to embrace getting older, life is precious and when you have lost a lot of people, you realize that each day is a gift.” -Meryl Streep