- Beatdown: BYOB
- Beatdown Date: 06/07/2023
- QiC: Tiny Boots
- Number of Pax: 8
- Pax Names: 6 Feet, Breezy (respect), Helium, PGA, Sonoco, Tag-A-Long, Zeppelin
- Number of FNGs:
Disclaimer + Warm up
Theme of the workout is 5 bc this week I’m celebrating 5 years with FiA!
Hwy 55 at the light poles:
Go down Ambergate, walk w/ weights
1st light pole 1 burpee, w/ press
2nd light pole 2 burpees
At the 5th light pole do 5 burpees and turn around to complete 6-10 coming back towards the parking lot
5min rounds (partner up or 2 groups)
Group/ Partner 1 completes exercise while Group / Partner 2 travels down & back ; swap & repeat for time
- Dead lifts / side shuffle
- Plank Dumbbell Rotations / skipping
- Weighted March (alternate holding weight in opposite hand) / run backwards
- Plank Dumbbell Drag / skipping
- Lying Dumbbell Hamstring curls / side shuffle (didn’t have time for this one!)
Ring of Fire
Weighted Jack Knife (hold weight at chest) legs out, tap/ legs in, tap / hold Boat
COT: “You can desire things that someone else doesn’t. You can struggle with something that gives someone else joy. You can care about what matters to you even if it doesn’t matter to someone else, and we can all lovingly and compassionately exist together in that tension” – Kendra Adachi, The Lazy Genius
High 5’d everyone and did Name O Rama