Warm- up: Good Mornings (in cadence), toy soldiers, arm circles, inch worm walk outs with push up and down dog, runners stretch.

mosey’d to the rope course parking lot

Thang #1

3 cones were set out and we all got in a horizontal line. We did 5 of the following exercises at each cone. Running between cones and back to start. We waiting for everyone to finished before we moved to the next exercise so we always started together.

exercise 1: Burpee with tuck jump

exercise 2: lateral lunge with hop (HC)

exercise 3: push up with shoulder taps

exercise 4: plyo lunges (HC)

exercise 5: mountain climber with plank jack

we then finished with 2 rounds of suicides!

Mosey’d over to the kiosk. Once we got there we each grabbed a large rock and walked over to the amphitheater.

Crisco led us through a mid workout COT using our rocks as an analogy to the challenges we all carry along with us.

thang #2

5 reps of each of the following exercises, then run the amphitheater loop. Increase to 10 reps and then 15.


overhead press

rock swings

we put our rocks back and went back to the kiosk.

Thang #3

2 ring of fires around the kiosk

1. Planks with 5 reach outs

2. boat pose with 5 heel taps

Thang #4

triple nickles in the hill

5 sparky crabs (HC)

5 star jumps

we then ran back to the senior Center for stretching, COT and Name o Rama.

the feasted on our yummy breakfast from F3