- Beatdown: Book Drop
- Beatdown Date: 03/28/2023
- QiC: forrest
- Number of Pax: 8
- Pax Names: Boone, Deuce, Fixer Upper, Forrest, Mary Lou, Sassy, Super Why, Zia
- Number of FNGs:
Warm-up – the usual
The Thangs:
First: 30 sec of exercise and 10 seconds rest. Repeat the cycle twice
- Side plank w/ thread the needle
- YW superman
- Mountain Climber
- Flutter Kicks
Second: 5 x 5’s – We partnered up. I partner ran the pickle while the other performed the exercise. 5 minutes of each exercise
- Tricep dips
- Step ups
- Smurf Jacks
- Push ups
- lunge pulse (alternating every 10ish)
Third: 30 sec of exercise and 10 seconds rest. We only had time for one round
- plank up/downs
- LBC’s
- Bicycles
- Dead Bug