Thank you to all the ladies that braved the cold, wet weather to start our year off with a weighted workout. Welcome to the group, FNG Fuji.

2×21 at Saved By The Bell

Warm Up: Jumping Jacks (10 CC) / High Knees (10 CC) / Good Mornings (5) / Arm Circles Forward/Back

45 sec on / 10 sec rest – complete 1-21, rest 1 min, then repeat

  1. Close Grip Press
  2. Chest Fly
  3. Burpee w/ Push Up
  4. Upright row
  5. Reverse Fly
  6. Hand Release Push Up
  7. Overhead Press to Overhead Triceps Extension
  8. Straight arm kickback
  9. Weighted Jumping Jacks
  10. DB Cross body front raise
  11. Bicep Curl
  12. Burpee w/ Punch
  13. Sumo Squat w calf raise
  14. Narrow Squat
  15. Squat Jumps/Pulse Squat
  16. Alternating side lunge tap (tap weight to floor)
  17. Reverse lunge
  18. Weighted Skaters
  19. Full Sit Up w/ Weight
  20. Weighted Flutter Kicks
  21. Russian Twists