- Beatdown: On the Fence
- Beatdown Date: 11/14/2023
- QiC: Walkman
- Number of Pax: 13
- Pax Names: Beethoven, Bookworm (respect), Breezy (respect), Fantasy, Helium, Hootie (respect), Nails, PGA, Reebok, Summit, Tag-A-Long, Tiny Boots (respect), Walkman
- Number of FNGs:
Gave disclaimer
Warm up & then ran the track 1/2 mile
The thang: Each exercise for 1 minute all w/ weights. Ran 1/2 the track in the middle to warm up.
Step Jacks w/ weight
Standing deadbug
Sumo squat with hammer curl
Standing elbow to knee each side 1 minute
Sumo squat taking arms around the world
Cross over bicep curl into hammer curl
Standing crunch- arms flap like wings with weights
Deadlift into back row
Snatch into march 1 minute each side
*Ring of Fire*
Hold squat/ 5 monkey humpers
Hold plank/ 5 plank jacks
Hold reverse plank/ 5 sparky crabs
Hold V Up position/ 5 LBCs
Hold bear crawl position/ 5 push ups
Enough time for handstands. Everyone to the fence once everyone was up in a handstand we counted off 1 by 1 to 5.
Thanks for joining me!